Þú hafði sem sagt rétt fyrir þér allan tímann.......:-D
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Staðfest tengsl bóluefnis og drómasýki |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Flokkur: Dægurmál | 2.9.2011 | 16:58 (breytt kl. 16:58) | Facebook
Feb. 2025 | ||||||
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Sæl Jóhanna
Takk fyrir þetta
Eins og ég hef áður sagt "Framtíðin verður bara að leiða það í ljós, hversu mikið af sjálfsofnæmissjúkdómatilfellum eiga eftir að koma upp hér á landi innan við næstu 5 eða 10 árin frá því að bólusetningar með þessu Skvalen-(Pandermix) bóluefni byrjuðu (október 2009). "
"Switzerland's medical regulator recommended patients with serious autoimmune diseases should not use an H1N1 flu vaccine from Novartis, saying there were no studies assessing the innoculation in that population. Swissmedic said on Wednesday it could not be ruled out that either or both of the adjuvant -- which can enhance the immune response -- and the antigen, or less active ingredient, could lead to an intensifying of autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, are caused by an overly active immune system attacking its own body, targeting substances which are normally present. Novartis was not immediately available to comment." Reuters Health http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/Swine-Flu-Epidemic-H1N1-Vaccine-Deaths-and-Injuries
"...ten university and govenment laboratories around the world have found that adjuvants containing squalene or squalene alone induced autoimmunity in four different species of animals. By injecting squalene, scientists have induced the animal version or ‘model' of at least four autoimmune diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune thyroiditis and systemic lupus erythematosus. All of these diseases have occurred in military personal following injection with anthrax vaccine proven by FDA to contain squalene." (Vaccine A eftir Gary Matsumoto, bls. 276).
"The autoimmune diseases in animals injected with squalene have been completely consistent with that I've seen occur in humans who've tested positive for antibodies to squalene since the first Golf War,' says Pam Asa. It's remarkable to see how well the animal models correlate with disease in humans." (Vaccine A eftir Gary Matsumoto, bls. 213).
http://thorsteinnscheving.blog.is/blog/thorseinnscheving/entry/1155658/Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 3.9.2011 kl. 12:25
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
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